Saturday, April 21st, 2018

Craft Beer Crosscut 4.21.18: A Flight of Evil Twin Brewing


Peaks-and-Pints-Tacoma-Beer-FlightJeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø, the founder and man behind Evil Twin Brewing, was a physics and English teacher in his native Denmark before starting Copenhagen’s Ølbutikken, a highly regarded beer store. He’s also an evil twin himself. His brother, Mikkel Borg Bergsø, brews under the Mikkeller label. Jarnit-Bjergsø, however, has done his best to outshine the good twin. He founded Evil Twin Brewing in 2010 as a nomadic brewery. Like his brother Mikkel, Jarnit-Bjergsø would concocts a recipe for his beer and hand it to another brewery with some extra capacity. This contracted brewing partner brewed, bottled, priced and sold the beer, then cut Jarnit-Bjergsø a check. Evil Twin beers were brewed everywhere from South Carolina and Scotland to Holland and Denmark. In 2012, Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø moved it to Brooklyn and relocated there with his family, opening the beer bar TØRST the same year. Today, Peaks and Pints presents a flight of Evil Twin craft beer in what we like to call Craft Beer Crosscut 4.21.18: A Flight of Evil Twin Brewing.

Evil-Twin-Sour-Bikini-TacomaEvil Twin Sour Bikini

3% ABV

Throw on a bikini top, drop the beads around your neck and toss back Evil Twin’s cross between a hop cone and a lemon. The aromatics are a truly beautiful blend of straight-up citrus, primarily lemon and tangerine, backed up by very fresh, green, grassiness. Sour Bikini tastes, in the most marvelous way, like Tang gone tipsy, or perhaps liquid Flintstones vitamins for the beer-drinking set. Low in alcohol, spritzy, tart, refreshing, citrusy and chuggable, it’s suited for IPA die-hards looking to escape a bitter rut, or intrepid drinkers eager to explore the sour waters, an accomplice to good times as endless as summer sunshine.

Evil-Twin-Soul-Made-IPA-TacomaEvil Twin Soul Made IPA

7% ABV

Evil Twin took its Lost Souls IPA, swapped the Galaxy hops for Citra and put its soul into this delicious beer. Bright grapefruit tang leads the way for splendid tropical-fruited medium body, picking up sharp lemon souring and mild earthen pining to contrast underlying candy-spiced malt sugaring. Orange-peeled pineapple, mango, papaya and peach glaze its grapefruit-forward surface. Soul Made comes off very smooth and creamy, almost as if lactose were added, although there’s no mention of it on the can. Regardless, this is very good.

Evil-Twin-Kolata-IPA-TacomaEvil Twin Kolata IPA

8% ABV

This double IPA is part of Evil Twin’s Overshores series of IPAs brewed and released at Overshores Brewing in Connecticut. Inspired by an iconic tropical cocktail, Kolata is shaken up with lactose, coconut extract and pineapple for notes of pineapple, coconut, mango, orange citrus, grapefruit, creamy lactose vanilla-like milk sugars and caramelized bready malts, Some light spicy bitterness, pine and mild citrus reminds us this is a double IPA. Light finish brings still more coconut.

Evil-Twin-Imperial-Doughnut-Break-TacomaEvil Twin Imperial Doughnut Break

11.5% ABV, 70 IBU

A twist on Evil Twin’s popular Imperial Biscotti Break, an imperial stout brewed with coffee beans, Imperial Doughnut Break imperial porter is made with almonds and bags full of glazed doughnuts dumped into the boil. It’s the sort of beer that gives Jeppe his reputation and it was completely delicious. A dark espresso color with slight red notes, we detected marzipan and oxidized coffee on the nose. Appropriately, the brew smells similar to a doughnut shop — a good sign! The mouthfeel is unique — it feels like our mouth is coated with doughnut glazing and the beer tastes like a doughnut.

Evil-Twin-Molotov-Cocktail-TacomaEvil Twin Molotov Cocktail

13% ABV, 80 IBU

Originally brewed at Two Roads Brewing in Connecticut, this triple IPA fits the cookie-cutter description for the typical imperial IPA. Light on its effervescence, the beer pours heavy and thick, almost syrupy, with a dark amber tint. The former qualities resonate with Evil Twin, which is notable for its reliance on all things imperial. However, the beer shows its IPA side in its nose, with citrus and grapefruit, thanks to Ahtanum. The taste begins with sweet citrus and floral notes, coupled with a big honey flavor that kisses the tongue. Just before falling into a sugary mess, a flash of the bright and hoppy bitterness all-to-familiar with IPAs bites down, cutting through the sweetness.

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