Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Craft Beer Crosscut 9.12.17: A Flight of National Chocolate Milkshake Day


Peaks-and-Pints-Tacoma-Beer-FlightToday is National Chocolate Milkshake Day. The first time the term “milkshake” was used in print was in 1885.  This milkshake was a concoction of cream, eggs and whiskey, which was often served with other alcoholic tonics such as lemonades and soda waters. If the customer enjoyed the milkshake, he shook hands with the bartender. If not, the bartender didn’t get a tip. James and William Horlick invented malted milk powder in 1897, but it was Ivar Coulson, a soda jerk for a Walgreen’s drug store, who first added it to milkshakes in 1922. This created the malted milkshake or just plain “malt.” By 1900, a milkshake was often referred to as “wholesome drinks made with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrups.”  A few years later in the early 1900s, people began asking for this new treat with a scoop of ice cream. Steven Poplawski invented the electric blender in 1922 just for milkshakes. Australians can still buy traditional milkshakes in “milk bars,” which are much like old-fashioned drugstores with counter service. They’re usually served still in the steel cup, but may be poured into a paper cup for carry out orders. Luckily for us craft beer lovers, there are many delicious and unique chocolate beers being crafted by U.S. breweries — just in time for the national day of chocolate milkshakes. As professional craft beer drinkers and chocoholics, Peaks and Pints can’t think of many nectars more appealing than chocolate beer, so enjoy Craft Beer Crosscut 9.12.17: A Flight of National Chocolate Milkshake Day.

Samuel-Smith-Organic-Chocolate-Stout-TacomaSamuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout

5% ABV, 28 IBU

Samuel Smith’s has always brewed the old-fashioned way and the British operation still pulls water from its original well dug in 1758. Its Organic Chocolate Stout pours dark brown with a thin, khaki head. Light oatmeal and bready aromas lift to the nose, reminiscent of rising dough. On the tongue, this brew’s complex and, with its oatmeal character, has a decidedly cookie quality to it: It’s silky-smooth across the tongue, but also deep and grainy in the flavor. It’s velvety and delicious, with creamy chocolate milk, chocolate syrup and cocoa powder dancing on the tongue. The brew sinks into the mouth and finishes sweet and full.

Youngs-Double-Chocolate-Stout-TacomaYoung’s Double Chocolate Stout

5.2% ABV

Charles Wells‘ Young’s Double Chocolate Stout’s thick, creamy head sticks to the glass, emitting cocoa powder and semi-sweet chocolate. A hint of hoppiness in the air reminds that it is very much a beer. Pale ale and crystal malt, chocolate malt, special blend of sugars, Fuggle and Goldings hops, real dark chocolate and chocolate essence are all utilized in creating this unique beer. Creamy chocolaty sweetness coats the tongue like liquid silk. The malty, chocolaty smoothness dives into roasted malt bitterness that tingles through the aftertaste: The chocolate’s truly the chip off the old stout.

Boulder-Beer-Shake-Chocolate-Porter-TacomaBoulder Beer Shake Chocolate Porter

5.9% ABV, 39 IBU

Boulder Beer Company’s Shake Chocolate Porter (Boulder, Colorado) tastes like a chocolate shake with its rich chocolate aroma and velvety mouthfeel. This beer, which took home a gold medal in the Chocolate Beer category from the 2014 World Beer Cup, is brewed with five different grains, including chocolate wheat, and has added cacao nibs. It’s chocolaty, but the swallow’s still crisp and clean; milky chocolate notes connect with traditional porter roast and ride a cola-like mouthfeel all the way down.

Puyallup-River-Mud-Mountain-Milk-Stout-TacomaPuyallup River Mud Mountain Milk Stout

7% ABV

Puyallup River Brewing Mud Mountain Milk Stout grabbed a silver medal at the 2015 Washington Beers Awards. It grabbed a bronze at the 2016 Washington Beer Awards. It grabs every drinker when they taste its smooth as chocolate silk self. Fresh vanilla beans, cocoa nibs, oats, and six different specialty malts make this milk stout one of the easiest drinking dark beers on the planet.

Wingman-Brewers-Smores-Porter-TacomaWingman S’mores Porter

8% ABV

Wingman Brewers’ S’mores Porter, the second collaboration porter with Tacoma bottle shop, taproom and restaurant Peaks and Pints (Peaks and Pints Perfect Proctor Porter was the first) tastes like a s’mores. Truly. Peter Brown, Wingman Brewers lead brewer on the S’mores Porter, sang campfire songs as both ownerships stirred Pale, Chocolate, Victory, Black and Carafa Type 2 malts in the mash tun. As Cascade and Saaz hops boiled the campers tossed in an endless stream of marshmallows and Honey Maid Graham Crackers. The dessert porter sports a tingly, medium mouthfeel, followed by roasted malt, graham cracker, cocoa and marshmallow with long chocolate finish.


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