Sunday, April 1st, 2018

Fancy Pants Sunday: Perennial Sump Coffee Stout


FancyPants-Sunday-Perennial-Sump-Coffee-StoutFancy Pants Sunday: Perennial Sump Coffee Stout

You’re probably thinking to yourselves, “Does the world really need Peaks and Pints’ Fancy Pants Sunday?” Our research tells us that the average American consumer is ready — nay, yearning — for the next level in fancy craft beer.

And here is the thing: When you’re out there on the porch, on a Sunday afternoon, watching rain-soaked children hunt for soggy eggs, eating your bread and basil and feeling the effects of that snifter full of fancy craft beers, it does not matter how much you paid for the beer; it does not matter that it is bypassed your beer cellar. Right now, for that moment, you have never loved anything more.

Today’s Peaks and Pints’ Fancy Pants Sunday offering is Sump coffee stout by Perennial Artisan Ales out of St. Louis, Missouri. Sump combines an imperial stout of substantial weight with bright and delicate Colombian Los Pinos coffee selected and roasted by Sump Coffee, located in south St. Louis. Aromas of coffee, salted caramel and a hint of cedar meld with roasted barley, cocoa, and vanilla. On the palate, the vanilla is more prominent, rounding out the beer’s heavy roast and chocolate character. It’s thick and lush with a long finish and lingering warmth. This is a 10percent ABV stout that uses the same base beer as Abraxas.

You fancy Perennial Sump Coffee Stout!

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