Sunday, October 18th, 2020

Instagram Outsider: GABF winners, Scared Shipless, Nightmare Cyclist


Instagram Outsider: GABF winners, Scared Shipless, Nightmare Cyclist

From Great American Beer Festival 2020 award winners to Scared Shipless, from sad announcements to foam shots, Peaks and Pints Instagram Outsider returns today with a photo essay of Instagram posts from the past week. Be sure to keep tagging us @peaksandpints for your chance to be featured on Peaks and Pints Instagram Outsider. And, please, wash your damn hands; wear your damn mask. Until we meet back here again next week, cheers to you!

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Soggy Sunday afternoon spell work. #rainraingoaway

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Hello humans! We hope you are staying sane in this world that seems to be rapidly coming off the rails. We believe that beer, the worlds fünnest beverage, may just be the solution. In honor of our favorite holiday of the year we are unleashing three terrifyingly delicious concoctions. >>> FUNERAL BOCK - DOUBLE DECOCTED BLACK BOCK (out now) A double decocted black bock, brewed strongly with Münich and Röast malts, then ferments extremely cold with our secret heritage lager yeast. It’s finished with an excessive, hibernative lager schedule. This iteration of German bockbier is our dirge to the Fall. Toast, caramel, dried fruit. >>> TERRIFICA - ITALIAN_STYLE HORROR PILSNER (Draft avilable, cans coming on release date: 10/19) . Aggressively spicy, citrusy, floral and yeasty elements ride above a dry, crisp, lightly golden malt backbone. A distinctive yet elegant take on a most classic style. The spirit compels you to take another sip! Aromatic, hop-forward, dry. Voted one of the best 11 beers in america by bloomberg news >>> HELL - MUNICH-STYLE HELLES (out now) Our brewmaster Kevin Davey is a card-carrying lagerphile; we think this beer may show it off the best. Super clean, refreshing, distinctive, with a nice hint of Hallertauer. The gold standard for golden lagers. Crisp, bright, floral, sessionable. 2019 Great American Beer Festival™Bronze Metal winner. “Oregon Beer of the Year” - New School Beer Awards (2019) Stay savage and drink delicious beer...

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New beer on tap today at the taproom: Scared Shipless Northwest IPA! Scared shipless pours a October-appropriate cloudy Pale orange with a nice off-white head. Made with Chinook, Centennial, and Citra hops, and generously dry-hopped with Centennial and Chinook. Copious amounts of British Maris Otter barley and a touch of @skagitvalleymalting triticale for a bit of complexity. Full bodied, this IPA gives impressions of resinous pine and a touch of tart citrus and a little residual bitterness indicative of true Northwest IPAs. Scared Shipless is our seasonal fall IPA, just in time for Halloween ? ? ??♂️ it comes in at 7.5% ABV and 65 IBU. Now, as a reward for reading all the way to the bottom of this post, look out tomorrow for news about our Jolly Roger Christmas ale 16-ounce can release this Saturday! Our taproom is open 4pm to 8pm Wednesday through Friday,Noon-8pm Saturday and Sunday with dine-in and to-go food and beer available.

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*trust me, you really want to swipe on this one* Day 6: #whycant I challenge: I looooove anything pinup & rockabilly. . Even when I was a hardcore tomboy wearing mostly baggy jeans or guys boardshorts, for some reason i have always loved pin-up & rockabilly styles. If i was better at makeup and doing my hair it’s something that i would probably do more often (like the first 3 photos i did normal makeup and hair - and not even well because i’m awful at it). . @jennlpetty of @jelau_photography captured the first 3 with another amazing @unseencreatures beer. Dance of the Living Image - 6.2% IPA. . The last 4 are from when some friends needed exposure for all-inclusive photography sessions and made me feel like a damn QUEEN! If you look closely you’ll see some tattoos missing. Fun Fact: my ankle looks weird in picture 6 because i had broken it (again) and had just had surgery ?. . This post kind of plays into my final post for this challenge tomorrow ?. . There is no “end” to this challenge and i really do hope all of you continue to tag me! it’s been amazing learning new things about you all ?. . #pinup #pinupgirl #pinupstyle #pinupmodel #rockabilly #rockabillystyle #rockabillygirl #craftbeercommunity #craftbeerculture #craftbeernerd #girlswithbeer #craftbeergirl #craftbeerblog #craftbeerblogger #beerselfie #brewlove #goodbrews #beerpic #girlswhodrinkbeer #montereybay #montereycalifornia #beermom #earnyourbeer

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???????? Clear skies and hazy beer. #GruffLife

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Welcome to the Puffin Patch! ?

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Today we're releasing I VOTED TODAY, a nationwide collaboration led by our friends @tiredhandsbrewing designed to support every Americans’ right to vote this November 3rd. Each brewery involved will be brewing a Double Dry-Hopped American Pale Ale and donating a portion of the proceeds to a voting rights advocacy organization of their choice. Our version of "I Voted Today" is a Pale Ale brewed with Pilsner Malt, Maris Otter, Chit malt, and flaked barley, with heavy additions of Citra, Amarillo, and Experimental Hop 630 in the kettle. The beer was dry-hopped first with Citra, 630, and Amarillo, and dry hopped a second time with more Citra. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the League of Women Voters Seattle-King County, and we’ll be making the donation up front as time is of the essence in the current election. Available now for $10/crowler in our Online Store for Drive-Thru pickup. Just a reminder that the beer garden (not the drive-thru) is CLOSED today, but we will reopen for normal hours Wednesday, and this new refreshing Pale Ale will also be available on tap then. We're excited to be part of this collaborative project, and we hope this beer plays a small part in pushing the message that every American should exercise their right to VOTE!!

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This one's for you. ??? #offcentered #craftbeer

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It's a process many years in the making to get our malt into your beer. Raise a glass to those that have worked so hard to get it there!

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PRESALE IS LIVE: Keep Oregon Green™ IPA is a collaboration between Baerlic Brewing Co. and @keeporegongreen with 100% of sales going to relief and prevention. Since 1941, Keep Oregon Green™ has been promoting healthy landscapes and safe communities by educating the public of our shared responsibility to prevent human-caused wildfires. . . Inspired by @sierranevada Resilience IPA program, we hope that we can get as many Oregon breweries as possible to follow along and brew their own Keep Oregon Green IPA and commit to donating 100% of proceeds toward wildfire relief and prevention in Oregon. Oregon brewers are a very giving community and we hope that they will rise to the challenge to help our fellow Oregonians most impacted by these recent fires. And while the smoke has cleared, the path of destruction remains. Email for more info on how to be a part. . . ABOUT THE BEER: Keep Oregon Green™ IPA is brewed with Oregon grown malted barley and Oregon-grown Centennial hops from Crosby Hop Farm and Oregon-grown Strata hops from Indie Hops. . Thanks to our wonderful trade partners who have donated the ingredients and supplies needed to get this beer out in the world: Thanks to @crosbyhops, @indiehops, @craftcanning and @ilslabels for their contributions to this cause. . Keep Oregon Green™ IPA is live for presale now, with it being available for Home Delivery or Prepay'N'Pickup on Thursday October 15th.

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We’ll tell you a tale of a pumpkiny ale That was never intended to be. It happened by chance and the ghouls danced their dance But it’s all a grave error, you see. “‘Tis the season,” you’ll hear, “for a spiced pumpkin beer.” But we chose to forgo all the spice. So we brewed up a brew with a vaguely orange hue Using seeds and molasses: quite nice. But the brew was too hot; the exchanger was shot, And only one answer arose. “The coolship!” we shrieked. Our interest was piqued, And into the pan went the hose. The coolship sat still as the night fell achill So we went home and yelled “trick or treat!” But in the old shed where the coolship was fed The windows were cracked for the heat. Now, on Halloween night, when the world is afright And the children are masked to us all, A brew which is brewed is then also imbued With the spirits that flutter and crawl... Through the windows ghosts crept; in the coolship they leapt, Forevermore haunting the brew. And tasting it now, you’ll sense them somehow... The ghouls who are haunting you too. Well, you made it to the end of our little tale. As a reward, we’d like to let you in on a sepulchral little secret: we now have exclusive Ghoulschip Vintage 3-Packs available at the brewery, which include bottles from 2018, 2019, and 2020. We’ve also sent a small amount of the latest vintage to select bottle shops in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts

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Proper prep for distanced collaboration is traveling with a cardboard you to pose in the pic. Good on ya Zach @zbrinley7 @shipwreckrum

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Happy 30th birthday to our favorite Dead Guy Ale! Comment below with your favorite Dead Guy memory.

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?Kölsch Style Ale? . . We are pretty excited about this beer. It will be available for walk ups only this weekend, no online sales.

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Off to the outdoors we go!? #HLGeoRoots

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Campfires, sunsets, and our new Pelican Mixed 12-pack in CANS! Joining the ranks with our Kiwanda 12-pack, this mix is sure to impress. Gather around, there's more than enough beers for everyone. - Pack includes: Beak Breaker - Double India Pale Ale, Kiwanda - Pre-Prohibition Cream Ale, Our Dankest Hour - Dank India Pale Ale, and Midnight Malt - Cocoa Porter. - Pick up a mix pack and your other favorite Pelican beers today, use our Beer Finder to locate near you! Link in bio. - #BornAtTheBeach #Campfire #PelicanBrewing #Beachbonfire #Beachsunset #PacificCity #OregonCoast #PNWBeer #beerstagram #beerloversofinstagram #oregoncoast #CannonBeach #Tillamook #brewedwithpassion #craftbeer #untapped

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Future harvest. #estatemalt #barley #farmhousebrewery

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?? NEW BEER ?? . "When In Doubt, Stout it Out" - American Stout - 6.5% . Dive head first into fall with our brand new pint-after-pint crusher. "When In Doubt, Stout it Out" is a HIGHLY drinkable yet robust american style stout that touts large notes of Dry Bakers Chocolate, Roasted Coffee and Cacao nibs on the finish. Leaning towards a heavier body, but not too thick to where you cannot enjoy a couple. Embrace the changing of the seasons with Sig and be ready for some new beers on the horizon. . Stay dry and out of the wind this week, our patio will be closed unfortunately, so we highly recommend reservations online as we do lose a bit of seating when the weather goes south! . #sigbrewing #stout #darkbeer #downtowntacoma #fall #newbeer #whenindoubt #stoutitout #tacoma

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Hey y’all we’re throwin’ a Tye Dye party Oct 31st from 5-7pm!⁣ ⁣ We’ll have 50 white shirts you can buy or bring your own to dye, we’ll have all the supplies!⁣ ⁣ DAYS / HOURS:⁣ Mon - Thursday 2-9pm ⁣ Friday - Sat 1-10pm⁣ Sunday 1-8pm⁣ ⁣ ???????????⁣ ⁣ our thoughts are with all the fire fighters, first responders and volunteers working hard to keep us safe⁣ ⁣ thanks SO MUCH for helping support our small business during the past few months! ⁣ It hasn’t been easy on any of us but we are so lucky and blessed to have amazing customers and community that helped us along just enough to keep the lights on. It means the world to us!⁣ ⁣ please stay safe and healthy!

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Sorry targeted Instagram ads. I already bought stuff to make Frito pie hours ago. Checkmate! . . .

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