Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Instagram Stalker: Melvin 2×4 Day, crazy hats and awesome Deschutes brewers photo


Happy Sunday!

This week on Instagram Stalker, we are reminded that even though the Super Bowl sponsors try to claim this to be the biggest drinking holiday of the year, a good craft beer can make any occasion better. We saw a lot of violence during Melvin’s 2×4 Day, women posing with craft beers and whatever that Russian guy is wearing.

Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

After Workout Beer. STONE RIPPER. Another pick from my favorite brewery @stonebrewingco

A photo posted by Cristal Franco (@hopheadhunny) on

Breakside won 8 medals at the @bestofcraftbeerawards; 2 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze! So proud of our team!

A photo posted by Breakside Brewery (@breaksidebrews) on

Might we suggest a bit of @theochocolate to sweeten your Blackhook?

A photo posted by Redhook Brewery (@redhook) on

Sometimes the barrels just need a little love. ❤️? We've got @itsrawpokeshop tonight in OB from 5-9p.

A photo posted by Culture Brewing Co SB|OB|EN (@culturebrewingco) on

Not what you'd expect to be barrel-aged. Then again, we've never been known to do what's expected. #Frootwood #brewedforus

A photo posted by Founders Brewing Co. (@foundersbrewing) on

Hello, Sunshine ☀️

A photo posted by AND UNION ? (@andunion) on

Царь царей с царицей заехали на крафт! #craf #beerserk #craftbeer

A photo posted by Beerserk shop (@beer.serk) on

N O T G U I L T Y ! T H E O J I P A ? Today Olle was being told by Jan that the oranges had been cut to soon. To get the best taste out of the oranges for this 7,5 % india pale pale you have to cut them straight before they enter the delicious golden beverage. But Olle didn't care what Jan was saying because he had done nothing wrong and pledged himself not guilty. It was actually the new intern Simon who had been a little stressed to finish up on time to get home for the day. Hopefully they will be able to find new oranges so this beer can get its great finish. ?? Swedish @beerbliotek has in collaboration with the Norwegian phantom brewery @cervisiamno brewed this delicious IPA packed with oranges. The orange aroma is big together with piney mango and a slightly bitter finish. This tropical india pale ale could almost replace your newly squeezed morning orange juice, but just almost – it might be a little too hoppy ? ?? + ?? = ? Fun fact about this beer: This beer is brewed as an example on how brewers like to stay updated about their surroundings. So they did this collaboration after the O.J verdict and stated on the can that ”This beer is for that poor guy, and all he´s been through…..”. For us this orangy beers name could stand for "Oj" like in the Swedish word for "whoops" or just O.J like orange juice. Anyhow the most important part is that it's really nice to drink! ?✨ #beerminiaturelandscape #beerscape #beer #miniature #tinypeople #landscape #beerandtoys #IPA #indiapaleale #beerbliotek #cervisiam #orange #juice #oj #collab #beersofinstagram #brew #ilovebeer #beerlove #beergeek #beernerd #craftnotcrap #beerme #craftbeer #beerporn #beertography #instabeer #beerstagram #beeroftheday #beertography

A photo posted by Beer in a miniature landscape (@beerscape) on


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