Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Morning Foam: Motueka Beer Flight, Gigantic Hugs, Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA


Morning Foam: Motueka Beer Flight, Gigantic Hugs, Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA

Wednesday, May 19 2021 – Good Morning Foam: Motueka Beer Flight, Gigantic Hugs, Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA! BTW, Pete Townshend turns 76.


Originally intended as a hotel, construction on the French chateau-style building halted abruptly during the Panic of 1893. Five years later, it was gutted by a fire. Then, in 1904, the Tacoma School District bought the building and began turning it into a high school. In 1906, Tacoma High School, as Stadium was then called, opened its doors to 878 students and 38 teachers. It was renamed Stadium High School in 1913.


gustatory \’ges-te-‘tor-e, -‘tor-\ adjective (1684)
Relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste
gustatorily \’ges-te-‘tor-e-le, -‘tor-\ adverb

Usage example: And indeed, judging by Simon’s drooling, lip-smacking and eye-rolling, he finds Peaks & Pints Tuna Melt something out of the world, beyond all his gustatory experience.


>>> Gigantic Brewing is huge on collaborations. The Portland, Oregon brewery teamed up with Pelican Brewing for Bird-Day Volume II Tangerine Golden Ale Aged in Mezcal Barrels, then invited Boneyard Beer over to brew We Don’t Need No Stinking Hops brewed with a prodigious amount of tangerine puree, citrus peels, Kveik yeast, and just a dash of Citra hops. (Brewpublic)

>>> On Father’s Day Weekend, dozen of breweries across Washington state will release Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA. “The beer commemorates a rough year and, more specifically, celebrates the spirit of community and comradery that helped everyone get through it,” writes Kendall Jones of the Washington Beer Blog. Proceeds from this beer benefit the Washington Brewers Guild. (Washington Beer Blog)

>>> A chain reaction of personnel changes is beginning to course through several breweries, set off in recent days by a social media account’s mounting collection of hundreds of stories of widespread sexism in the beer industry. (Brewbound)

Peaks and Pints Pilot Program: Motueka On The Fly

Today, we’re hopping on a plane and heading to New Zealand — home of insane landscapes, Lord of the Rings, dedicated rugby fans and, of course, Motueka hops. Named after the town of Motueka on the northern tip of New Zealand’s South Island, nestled at the shores of the Tasman Bay, Motueka is a relatively new variety — the offspring of an unnamed New Zealand variety and one of our favorite Noble hops, Saaz. Part of the “Hops with a Difference” initiative from New Zealand Hops Limited, Motueka is beloved by brewers for its versatility and distinct characteristics, from both a bittering perspective as well as an aromatic perspective. Throw it in the boil or throw it in the dry hop — either way, aromas and flavors of fresh crushed citrus, Mojito lime character, lively lemon and hints of tropical fruit become part of the beer. So where can you find Motueka? In today’s Peaks and Pints’ to-go beer flight — Peaks and Pints Pilot Program: Motueka On The Fly.

Ferment Golden Bay IPA

6.5% ABV

Former pFriem head brewer Dan Peterson and culinary expert wife, Jennifer Peterson, opened Ferment Brewing Co. a few blocks east of pFriem in Hood River in August 2018. Peterson graduated from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. He ran the QC lab and bottle conditioning program at Brooklyn Brewery from 2003-2010 before moving to Oregon and becoming a brewer at Full Sail until 2013 when he joined pFriem. His Golden Bay IPA offers tropical and grapefruit flavors and aromas from Motueka and Moutere New Zealand hops.

Little Beast Tiger Team

6.5% ABV

Charles Porter left Logsdon Farmhouse Ales in Hood River and opened Little Beast Brewing with his business and life partner, Brenda Crow, a cheesemaker, in April 2017. By harnessing the “little beasts” that ferment their beer, Porter and crew capture their untamed beauty and produce farmhouse beers that are diverse in flavor and rare in character. They also know their way around hops. In fact, they enlisted a Tiger Team of hops to deliver up fresh-pressed paradise. Motueka, El Dorado, Lemondrop and Azacca hops hit hard with tropical and citrus overtones, while a well-balanced malt profile carries the day.

Firestone Walker Luponic Distortion v18

5.9% ABV

Firestone Walker Brewing’s Luponic Distortion is a series of craft beers that revolves approximately every 90 days, all of which showcase specific hops. The California brewery keeps a continuous “base beer” and alters the hops that are used with each new version of the series. Version 18 is a West Coast style IPA dry hopped with New Zealand-grown hops Motueka, Nelson, Nectaron, and Riwaka for punchy flavors of white grape, passionfruit, peach, and pink grapefruit.

E9 Donna of Time

8% ABV

Donna Herren is an OG of the Tacoma craft beer scene. By day, she’s the longtime beer, wine, and cheese manager at Tacoma Boys on Sixth Avenue. By night, she hangs with E9 Brewing Head Brewer Shane Johns, E9 Sales Director Donovan Stewart and the E9 crew sharing beers. She’s been an honorary E9 staff member for so long she has her own E9 beer, Donna of Time. It’s a massively dry hopped double IPA fermented with slightly hazy British Ale yeast, then dry hopped with Nelson Sauvin, Rakau, and Motueka hops for fruity flavors, caramel, light sweetness, and a sticky bitter bite.

LINK: Peaks & Pints cooler inventory

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