Peaks and Pints houses a mind-boggling array of suds: some 850 or so bottled and canned in our cooler, with another 28 on tap, including nitro lines. While craft beer remains our foundation, you don’t have to be embarrassed for ordering artisan craft cider, wine, cold brewed coffee and kombucha as those delights are on tap too at Peaks and Pints. To follow our tap list live from your phone, click here for iPhone and here for Android.
1Joel GottCabernet Sauvignon 815CaliforniaNapa13.9%Just Tapped
2ProletariatSangioveseUSAWalla Walla, WA14%Just Tapped
3ProletariatSauvignon BlancUSAWalla Walla, WA13%Just Tapped
419 AcresBrazilian LimeadeKey Lime, Condensed Milk CiderSherwood, OR5%Just Tapped
5Outer Dark CoffeeNitro Cold BrewCold BrewJust Tapped
6pFriemPilsnerGerman-style PilsnerHood River, OR4.9%35 IBUJust Tapped
7InclineBasecamp ProctorHouse Cider Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Red Delicious, BraeburnAuburn, WA6.9%Just Tapped
8Yonder CiderMazamaPear Cider w/ Lemon Verbena & Orange PeelWenatchee, WA6.9%Just Tapped
9EmpyricalLa RaisonHeritageSnohomish, WA8.5%Just Tapped
10DrekkerCHONK Mixed Berry TruffleSour Fruit Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Soft SErveFargo, ND6.8%IBUJust Tapped
11Fair IsleLoraFruited Farmhouse Ale w/Raspberries, Blackberries & CherriesSeattle, WA5.2%IBUJust Tapped
12RainierMountain Fresh BeerLagerSeattle, WA4.6%IBUJust Tapped
13GeorgetownGrace Brewster HopperHoppy LagerSeattle, WA6%IBUJust Tapped
14WeihenstephanHefeweissbierHefeweizenFreising, Germany5.4%14 IBUJust Tapped
15Four GeneralsKalt IPLIPLRenton, WA6.8%IBUJust Tapped
16AleSmith/Fort GeorgeCoffee & BeerCoffee IPA Coava Coffee RoastersSan Diego, CA7.2%0 IBUJust Tapped
17Great NotionEasy LiftWest Coast IPAPortland, OR6.3%IBUJust Tapped
18KulshanBruce SpringskiingHazy IPABellingham, WA6%20 IBUJust Tapped
19Wander BrewingChinscraperHazy IPABellingham, WA6.5%IBUJust Tapped
20Block 15The IncredibleTriple IPACorvallis, OR10.6%IBUJust Tapped
21BaerlicMiddle EarthDark MildPortland, OR3.8%IBUJust Tapped
22Fort GeorgeGilded Tiger StoutGolden Milk Stout Coconut, Vanilla, Tumeric, GingerAstoria, OR6%IBUJust Tapped
23Four GeneralsSchwarzbierSchwarzbierRenton, WA5.7%IBUJust Tapped
24Lost AbbeyDevotionBelgian Blonde AleSan Marcos, CA6%IBUJust Tapped
25Urban RootsAll Possible FuturesBarleywine - Barrel Aged (Stagg Jr. Bourbon)Sacramento, CA14.5%IBUJust Tapped
26Block 15Ocean Man Baltic PorterBaltic PorterCorvallis, OR8%IBUJust Tapped
27BizarreBelow the SaltStout Sweet Potato, MapleSeattle, WA4.8%IBUJust Tapped
28Fort GeorgeLotta Ins Lotta Outs StoutImperial StoutAstoria, OR8.4%IBUJust Tapped