Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: Cloudburst business, new Ninkasi CEO and Belmont Station 3D


Hello, Peaks and Pints Pals! We made it to April. Did you see the sun? We did a lot of stalking on Instagram for you this week. Be sure to keep tagging us @peaksandpints for your chance to be featured. Until we meet back here again next week, cheers to you!

From Something Brewery in Brighton, Colorado this is Hop Galaxy! A 9.4% Double IPA brewed with Galaxy hops then double dry hopped with Comet hops. Massive notes of citrus, floral, and fruity hops with hints of caramel and bready malt. Lots of hop flavor without being overly bitter. A great DIPA for any hophead! . . . @somethingbrewery #somethingbrewery #hopgalaxy #hop #galaxy #doubledryhopped #dryhopped #asideofhops #comet #drinklocal #ibelieveinipa #ilovehops #drinkcraftbeer #drinkcraft #drinkgoodbeer #craftbeer #craftbeerphoto #craftbeerlove #craftbeernerd #craftbeernation #craftbeerlover #craftbeerlife #craftbeergeek #craftbeerculture #craftbeerjunkie #beertographer #beertographers #beertography #beerphoto #brewtography #brewtographer

A post shared by Travis (@the5280beergeek) on

You're looking at strawberries, stainless steel, and a stellar start to the weekend. Grabbing some freshy Avancé off the tank. ?

A post shared by Allagash Brewing Company (@allagashbrewing) on

This is a seriously tasty beer. Death to Cereal Stout, @urbanfamilybrewing @bppub #craftbeer #beer #drinkwabeer

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It's back and better than ever!⭐️Draft Punk double IPA will be re-released on April 1, 2017 (not a joke) with a new twist on this much-loved beer recipe. As always, the brew team is loading up the hops by double dry-hopping this powerful IPA with Simcoe, Mosaic, and Citra. Draft Punk offers up tropical aromas of pineapple and mango and clean, juicy, fruity flavors. There’s a slight bitter bite, but it’s not overwhelming. It’s just what you want in a DIPA at 8.2% ABV. Pour it, smell it, sip it, swallow it. IBU: 65 SRM: 4 ABV: 8.2 Pairs well with Funky Chicken pizza and cheesesteaks–anything flavorful and meaty. Find it on draft at all of our locations! ⭐️ #keepashevillehoppy #avlbeer #ncbeer #doubleipa #craftbeerlove #craftbeer #draftpunk

A post shared by Asheville Brewing Co (@ashevillebrewingco) on

You asked, we listened. Dub is now available in person sized bottles. Cheers!

A post shared by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (@10barrelbrewing) on

This morning our Editor in Chief co-taught a yoga class at East End Brewery in Pittsburgh. ??

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Sunday is cheat day, amirite? ?

A post shared by Ninkasi Brewing (@ninkasibrewing) on

We've got new sunglasses and plenty of pints to go around on this rare sunny day!#north47brewing#drinklocal#wabeer#253#tacoma#craftbeer

A post shared by North 47 Brewing Co. (@north47brewingco) on

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