Sunday, April 9th, 2017

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: National Beer Day, new craft beers and posing brewers


Hello, Peaks and Pints Pals! How was your spring break? There has been lots of news to comb through this week. National Beer Day went down, brewery anniversaries were celebrated and songs were sung. You’ll find all that (plus other silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of Instagram Stalker!

Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

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Do I want beer now? (a) Yes (b) a (c) b

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Happy National Beer Day (April 7th) Weekend everyone! I decided to crack open a beer I've been wanting to have for a long time for the occasion! @mikkellerbeer Bourbon Barrel Beer Geek Vanilla Shake! This beer was absolutely wonderful! Vanilla brownies, fudge for days, bourbon, oak, and not overly sweet. A huge thank you to my friend @speczin for making trying this beer a reality for me! Also a big thank you to my beautiful fiancé Kaitlyn for helping me with this photo! #nationalbeerday #mikkeller #beergeek #beergeekvanillashake #vanillashake #lovecraftbeer #love #bottlemodels #craftbeergirl #craftbeer #beer #craftbeernation #beergeeknation #rarebeer #rarebeerseeker #whalezbro #instabrew #craftnotcrap #beerhunter #beerzombies #NikonD7000 #NikonPhotography #alienbee #beautiful #beerpunks #craftbeerlover #beertography #brewstagram #beergasm #beerporn

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Brew day! #craftbeer #wabeer #oly #drinkcraftnotcrap

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LINK: Peaks & Pints versus Instagram

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