Sunday, February 12th, 2017

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: Snowmen drinking beer, dogs drinking beer and beers snowboarding


Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: Snowmen drinking beer, dogs drinking beer and beers snowboarding

There have been lots of posted photos to comb through this past week. A snowman drank beer. A man became a snowman drinking beer. Dogs drank beer.  Beers snowboarded. You’ll find all that (plus silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker.

Be sure to keep posting those graham crackers in whirlpools and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

Frosty ❤️️ Dick's

A photo posted by Dick's Brewing Company (@dicksbrewing) on

What to pair with a snow day? How about a Dark Waters Stout and our Ace IPA.

A photo posted by wingman brewers (@wingmanbrewers) on

#SuperBowl Mood. (Thanks @tuesdaythepug for the awesome photo! Cheers)

A photo posted by Saranac Brewery (@saranacbrewery) on

Collaboration day with @puyallupbrew

A photo posted by wingman brewers (@wingmanbrewers) on

YOYO A GO GO: Belgian Dubbel Brewed in collaboration with Pat Maley, Olympia musician and founder of the YoYo a Go Go festivals in Olympia and YoYo Records, with beer label artwork by Tae Won Yu , a musician (Kicking Giant, The KG) and graphic artist who contributed to the album art for various northwest bands. Photo Credit: @ricky_osborne • • • • • #threemagnetsbrewing#indiemusic#pnwbeer#localmusic#collaboration#localbeer#craftbeer#wabeer#olympiawa#independentartist#supportlocalmusic#limitedrelease#90smusic#beerlovers#olympiabeer#craftbrewing#drinklocal#artofvisuals#agameoftones#propernw#pnw#drinklocal#musicrevolution#washingtonstate#amplifier#seattlemusic#musicfestival#yoyoagogo @bottleworksbier @downtownspirits @delaurentifoodandwine @olytaproom @northwestmusicscene @rainydayolympia @peaksandpints @peaksandpints

A photo posted by Three Magnets Brewing Co. (@3magbrewing) on

?Name: Eynore ?Brewery: Golem ?Style: Rye IPA ?Alc. 5,5% IBU??? ?Malts: pilze, rye, amber ?Hops: weimea, ahtanum, columbus, magnum ?Flavour⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Taste⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Foam⭐⭐⭐ ?Overall 7/10 Koloru piwa nie jestem pewien, bo mi upadła butelka przed nalaniem i zrobilo sie mocno metne, troche blotniste. U mnie wygląda jak weizen bock? Piana jest dość duża, ale nie utrzymuje sie jakos długo. W zapachu bardzo przyjemnie chmielowo, cytrusowo. W smaku piwo jest delikatnie kwaskowe, raczej wytrawne. Goryczka na średnim poziomie, w kierunku niskiej. Niczym specjalnym sie nie wyróżnia. Zwyczajnie dobra ipa, która jest bardzo pijalna. Może nieco brakuje jej ciała, ale chyba taki właśnie był zamiar. #beeranyone #beer #cheers #craftbeer#happyhour #beers #beerporn #bier#instabeer #birra #beerme#beerstagram #beergeek #hops#beersnob #drinklocal #artofbeer#beertime #piwo #butelka #browar#bottle #brewery #beerpics #beerart #golem #browargolem #ipa #eynore

A photo posted by ? Adam Filip (@filip.adam) on

Graham crackers added to Marshmallow Yum Yum!

A video posted by Great Notion Brewing (@greatnotionpdx) on

LINK: Peaks & Pints vs. Instagram

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