Saturday, April 1st, 2023

Peaks and Pints New Beer in Stock 4.1.23


Peaks and Pints New Beer in Stock 4.1.23

Here comes the rain! Peaks and Pints New Beer in Stock 4.1.23 has some delicious new arrivals to get through this wet weekend. Cheers!

Bear Republic Brewing Hwy 1: Crisp, hoppy West Coast IPA bursting with Citra, Sultana, and Amarillo hops, 7.1%

Belching Beaver Brewing Tropical Terps: Terps are aromatic molecules that enhance and complement the hop flavor and aromas in this new style IPA with a fruity and tropical flavor profile, 6.5%

Delirium Black Barrel Aged: Delirium Nocturnum and Delirium Christmas blended and aged for 9 months in Oak Buffalo Trace Bourbon barrels for a spicy and vanilla scented Belgian strong dark ale, 11.5%

Deschutes Brewery Cosmic Creatures: Light and refreshing IPA enhanced with a hefty dose of hops and an experimental yeast strain that releases vibrant notes of citrus and tropical fruits, 6%

Fair Isle Brewing Bobbi: Hoppy saison brewed with Citra and Mosaic for loads of zippy tangerine and bright lemon zest on the palate, with a refreshing dry and tart finish, 6.1%

Fair Isle Rufus: Oak-fermented export stout brewed with cocao nibs and fermented with their house blend of wild and feral yeasts and bacteria, 7.2%

Fortside Brewing Fruity Cowboy: Imperial hazy IPA with bright orange, lime, ripe mango, coconut, and grapefruit zest, 9%

Garden Path Fermentation Dare To be Stupid: Collaboration with Bridge & Tunnel Bottleshop & Taproom in Astoria, this piquette perry sports is a blend of cider apple pomace and dessert pears with a lightly sparkling native yeast cider piquette, 3.5%

Great Notion Brewing Van Beer: Hazy IPA dry hopped with Strata hops for aromas of strawberry, passionfruit, and cannabis, 7.4%

Level Beer Hoppy Hoppy Joy Joy: A delicious hoppy and semi-sweet joyful hazy IPA, 7.4%

Silver City Brewery MXPX All Night: Collaboration with Bremerton-local punk band MXPX, this light-bodied IPA features bright, fragrant aromas, an easygoing flavor, 6.2%

LINK: Peaks & Pints cooler inventory

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