Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

Peaks and Pints New Beer in Stock 9.12.23


Peaks and Pints New Beer in Stock 9.12.23

New Brews Tues offers several new fresh hops, a pumpkin ale, some IPAs and a cool collab between The Ale Apothecary and Twist Wine Company. Cheers!

CRYO FRESH HOP 2023, Black Raven Brewing: Brewed with fresh Azacca hops, this IPA is hoppy and weedy. 6%, 16oz

EL VIENNA ESPECIAL, Holy Mountain Brewing: Brewed with Vienna, Munich and Oaxacan green corn, this Mexican-style amber lager hopped lightly with Tettnanger and Saaz and fermented with a special yeast strain offers a perfect balance of dry drinkability, and malty sweetness. 4.8%, 16oz

ELECTRIC SURFBOARD, Fort George Brewery: Double IPA brewed with Apollo, Ekuanot, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops for hoppy resin flavor plus notes of tropical fruit and a sweet finish. 9%, 16oz

FRESH HOP CENTENNIAL, Dru Bru: Collaboration with Cornerstone Ranches in Toppenish, Washington, this IPA features freshly picked Centennial hops that went straight from the fields to the brewhouse, which gives an extra earthy, dank, and piney experience. 6%, 12oz

FRESH HOP HAZEALICIOUS IPA, Reuben’s Brews: Brewed with fresh Strata hops straight from Roy Farms in Yakima Valley, this hazy IPA has notes of dank green tropical fruit. 6%, 16oz

KILLER RED, Double Mountain Brewery: India red ale brewed with fresh Perle hops from Sodbuster Farm for notes of apple, pine, and orange on a biscuit and caramel base. 7.2% 16.9oz

PUMPKIN ALE, Laurelwood Brewing: Brewed using pumpkin puree and a blend of seasonal spices creating a smooth and robust amber ale. 7.5%, 16oz

SECRET STASH BIRTHDAY BASH, Holy Mountain: Smooth and crisp hoppy pilsner brewed with Steffi Pilsner malt from Linc Malting and hopped with Emerald Spire from New York. 4.9%, 16oz

SHERMAN IPA, Fort George Brewery: Sherman IPA is Fort George’s “Employee of the Year Beer” that’s bold, zesty, and tropical with a superior motivational kick. 6.5%, 12oz

TWIST COLLABORATION, The Ale Apothecary: Collaboration with Chenin and Sean Carlton who run the winery Twist in Pacific City, Oregon. They share similar values with us when it comes to producing fun lovin’, brewed with Chenin’s namesake grapes, Chenin Blanc, which are add to barrels of Sahalie for crisp, wine-like notes of jasmine and vanilla. 11.98%, 750ml

LINK: Peaks & Pints beer and cider cooler inventory