Sunday, November 13th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: showers beers, wortmobile and tongues


Whether you’ve been on Instagram since its beginnings in 2010 or you’re an Instagram neophyte, you know keeping up on important photos can be overwhelming. If you follow everything and everyone you find interesting, you can end up with hundreds and hundreds of Instagram posts showing up in your feed on a daily basis.

Don’t despair. Peaks and Pints shares important and pointless IG posts from craft breweries’ IG accounts every Sunday so you may catch up on brewery bike racks and the latest action along the production line.

This week, showers beers, wortmobile, tongues and more. Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

Test run for wort transfer. Worked! A temporary solution until we install our brewhouse around New Year.

A photo posted by Matchless Brewing Co. (@matchlessbrewing) on

Mountains, dogs and beer are the best. It's science. ?: @kuma_thehuskybear

A photo posted by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (@10barrelbrewing) on

?Name: Huncwot ?Brewery: Pracownia Piwa ?Style: American IPA ?Alc. 5,9% IBU 75 ?Malts: barley, wheat, caramel ?Hops: amarillo, cascade, citra, tomahawk, willamette ?Flavour⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Taste⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Foam⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Overall 8,5/10 W kolorze miedziane, mocno zamglone. Piana wysoka, trwała, z małymi i średnimi bąblami. W zapachu dominuje liczi, które miesza sie z mango i grejpfrutem. Bardzo intensywny i przyjemny jest to zapach, który wydaje sie mocno słodki. W smaku przyjemna, wyraźna goryczka grejpfrutowa. Podstawa słodowa dobrze zaznaczona, ale piwo nie jest za slodkie. Po chwili dochodzi lekka karmelowosc i zywicznosc. Bardzo pijalne i udane piwo, z przyjemnymi tropikalnymi nutami. #beeranyone #beer #cheers #craft #craftbeer #happyhour #beers #beerporn #bier #instabeer #birra #beerme #beerstagram #beergeek #hops #beersnob #drinklocal #artofbeer #beertime #piwo #butelka #browar #bottle #brewery #beerpics #beerart #huncwot #pracowniapiwa #aipa @pracowniapiwa

A photo posted by ? Adam Filip (@filip.adam) on

Breakside crew in Chicago for #FOBAB drinking barrel-aged beers like oak barrels going extinct.

A photo posted by Breakside Brewery (@breaksidebrews) on

Mr. Mustache @coachellavalleybrewing #iebreweries #minibeercation #craftbeer #beersnobs #beerswithbrian

A photo posted by Sadie Kroupa (@beer_gnome) on


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