Sunday, August 28th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker Aug. 22-28


Whether you’ve been on Instagram since its beginnings in 2010 or you’re an Instagram neophyte, you know keeping up on important photos can be overwhelming. If you follow everything and everyone you find interesting, you can end up with hundreds and hundreds of Instagram posts showing up in your feed on a daily basis.

Don’t despair. Peaks and Pints shares important and pointless IG posts from craft breweries’ IG accounts every Sunday so you may catch up on sour showers and the latest action along the production line.

This week, water beers, animal beers, forest beers, school beers and more. Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

Beating the heat with Grixsen and a home made slip n’ slide!

A photo posted by Grixsen Brewing Co. (@grixsenbrew) on

Add this to the list of things that don't suck.

A photo posted by Backwoods Brewing Company (@backwoodsbrewingcompany) on

Home grown #hops and #freshhop #ipa from @twobeersbrewing, a match made in heaven.

A photo posted by @hopstories on

My local nursery had a 10 dollar special on hop plants today. Stoked to get it in the ground for next year.

A photo posted by Ty (@picsofthingsilike) on

Jester King "school photo" day.

A photo posted by jesterkingbrewery (@jesterkingbrewery) on



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