Monday, December 26th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker Holiday Edition


There have been lots of posted photos to comb through these past two weeks. Santa drank beer. Sweaters were worn. Beards were decorated. You’ll find all that (plus silliness) right here in the holiday edition of Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker.

Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!


A photo posted by Stones Throw Brewery (@fairhaven_stonesthrowbrewery) on

Macho Libre longs for the beer days of summer. ?❄️

A photo posted by Hop Valley Brewing (@hopvalleybrewing) on


A photo posted by Jack Hagey (@ehfungi) on

Sno Cru night with Fuzzy Claus! #snocru2016 #fuzzyclaus

A photo posted by Engine House No.9 (@enginehouseno9) on

Party time at the brewery!

A photo posted by Narrows Brewing Company (@narrowsbrewing) on

Pitchin' yeast…

A photo posted by Triceratops Brewing Company (@triceratopsbrewing) on

It's a Powder Keg kinda day

A photo posted by Worthy Brewing Co. (@worthybrewing) on

You should put beer in your fudge because I said so. Holiday Ale Candy Cane Truffle Fudge. Link in bio.

A photo posted by Jackie Dodd (@thebeeroness) on

?Name: Bacchus ?Brewey: Olimp ?Style: Wind RIS ?Alc. 9,5% IBU ??? ?Malts: pilzen, munich, abbey castelmalting, carafa III special, special B, caramel 600 ?Hops: iunga, marynka, ?Flavour⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Taste⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Foam⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Overall 8.5/10 W kolorze czarne z rubinowymi refleksami. Piana średnio obfita, puszysta ze wszyskimi rodzajami bąbli, ale dość trwała i ładnie oblepia szklo. W zapachu trochę mlecznej czekolady, kawy, czarne owoce plus czerwone wino. W smaku dość pełne, gęste z dominującą nutą wina, która fajnie prowadzi to piwo z delikatną kwasowoscią i szlachetnym posmakiem alkoholu, uzupelniona nutą kawy i rodzynek. Ciekawe, oryginalne piwo, bardzo wyraziste. #beeranyone #beer #cheers #craftbeer#happyhour #beers #beerporn #bier#instabeer #birra #beerme#beerstagram #beergeek #hops#beersnob #drinklocal #artofbeer#beertime #piwo #butelka #browar#bottle #brewery #beerpics #beerart #olimp #browarolimp #bacchus

A photo posted by ? Adam Filip (@filip.adam) on

Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas. @urbantreecider – Barrel Aged Cider ( Atlanta, GA )

A photo posted by LALO (@lalo1981_) on

Eat, drink(craft beer), and be merry! Happy Holidays from #MikeHessBrewing???

A photo posted by Mike Hess Brewing (@mikehessbrewing) on


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