Sunday, March 12th, 2017

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: International Women’s Day, Modern Times Beer and E-9 Brewery in Belgium


There have been lots of posted photos to comb through this past week. Wednesday was International Women’s Day in many brewhouses, Modern Times Beer made its way north and E-9 Brewery toured Belgium. You’ll find all that (plus silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker.

Be sure to keep posting those craft beers resting on dogs’ heads and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

?Name: The Tropic Folk ?Brewery: Dugges ?Style: Sour Fruit Ale ?Alc. 3,5% IBU ??? ?Malts: barley ?Hops: ??? ?Flavour⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Taste⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Foam⭐⭐ ?Overall 9/10 Brenizer Method Lens: Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 iso100 W kolorze slomlowe, zmetnione. Piana wysoka, ale blyskawicznie opada, sycząca jak na coca coli, choć drobna, znika po minucie do zera. Zapach piękny owocowy tropikalno cytrusowy z dominującą nutą mango. W smaku dość mocno kwaskowe, bardzo orzezwiajace, z lekko podwyzszonym wysyceniem. Tutaj podobnie jak w zapachu mamy bombę tropikalnalą, rewelacyjna owocowosc, da sie wyczuc nuty mango, ananasa i mandarynki. Bardzo pijalne. #beeranyone #beer #cheers #craftbeer#happyhour #beers #beerporn #bier#instabeer #birra #beerme#beerstagram #beergeek #hops#beersnob #drinklocal #artofbeer#beertime #piwo #butelka #browar#bottle #brewery #beerpics #beerart #dugges #tropicfolk #brenizermethod

A post shared by ? Adam Filip (@filip.adam) on

JK brewing team (l to r) Sean Spiller, Allison Huffman, Head Brewer Averie Swanson, Mike Calle

A post shared by jesterkingbrewery (@jesterkingbrewery) on

We're raising a glass to the ladies in the beer industry today ? Cheers!

A post shared by Mike Hess Brewing (@mikehessbrewing) on

@moderntimesbeer in the house today collabo Brewing Fantasy Island with us!!!

A post shared by Great Notion Brewing (@greatnotionpdx) on

Making beer with the @moderntimesbeer crew!

A post shared by Commons Brewery (@commonsbrewery) on

Made it to the World famous Cycle Brewing #hunahpu #craftbeer #craftbeerporn #craftcans #tampabeerweek #hobolife #boomsauce

A post shared by Lord Hobo Brewing Co. (@lordhobobrewing) on

Life is all about balance. Play hard this weekend! #tgif #happyfriday #beerdog

A post shared by Bend Brewing Co (@bendbrewingco) on

Happy Friday! You gonna party or just hang around? ??

A post shared by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (@10barrelbrewing) on

You lucky fish. . .

A post shared by AND UNION ? (@andunion) on





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