Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker Sept. 12


Whether you’ve been on Instagram since its beginnings in 2010 or you’re an Instagram neophyte, you know keeping up on important photos can be overwhelming. If you follow everything and everyone you find interesting, you can end up with hundreds and hundreds of Instagram posts showing up in your feed on a daily basis.

Don’t despair. Peaks and Pints shares important and pointless IG posts from craft breweries’ IG accounts every Sunday so you may catch up on brewery Oktoberfests and the latest action along the production line.

This week, hop tossing, hop smelling, tiny Oktoberfest glassware, giant owls and more. Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

2016 CITRA WET HOP Thanks @ychhops for coming out! #wethop #freshhop #drinklocal #wabeer

A video posted by Three Magnets Brewing Co. (@3magbrewing) on

YCH Hops @3magbrewing. The kid and I mashin' in. #allforone #brewday #olyfam

A photo posted by Rob Horn (@triceratopsbrewing) on

Three days until we release our traditional Märzen lager, OktoberHess! Dust off your steins and join us! Prost!

A photo posted by Mike Hess Brewing (@mikehessbrewing) on

Our new coaster Stamp!

A photo posted by Rob Horn (@triceratopsbrewing) on

Trying to get our faces on the big screen… #FlatstickPub @flatstickpub

A photo posted by Silver City Brewery (@silvercitybrewery) on

@hoppinvine at @chuckanutbrewery not giving a hoot! #bellingham

A photo posted by rocndon (@rocndon) on

Chicks♡Dick's at #westsidetavern! #olympia #DicksRepLife #drinkdicks @dicksbrewing

A photo posted by Dick's Brewery Sales Executive (@aaronjwayne) on


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