Sunday, September 25th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker Sept. 19-26


Whether you’ve been on Instagram since its beginnings in 2010 or you’re an Instagram neophyte, you know keeping up on important photos can be overwhelming. If you follow everything and everyone you find interesting, you can end up with hundreds and hundreds of Instagram posts showing up in your feed on a daily basis.

Don’t despair. Peaks and Pints shares important and pointless IG posts from craft breweries’ IG accounts every Sunday so you may catch up on pumpkin firkins and the latest action along the production line.

This week, creepy Halloween stuff, Vikings, disc golf. Oktoberdogs, googly eyes and more. Be sure to keep posting those craft beer nestled against cactus photos and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

Just hanging out. #hopfarm #hops #dohomebrew

A photo posted by Scott Papek (@thehopsartist) on

Hop heaven or a 20ft pile of Mosaic hops grown by our friends at Loftus Ranch? Same thing if you ask us. #foundershopharvest

A photo posted by Founders Brewing Co. (@foundersbrewing) on

Grey Skies and grill. #beer #craftbeer #Seattle #PNW #drinkWAbeer #fall #autumn #coworkers #twobeersbrewing #grill #hamburger

A photo posted by Two Beers Brewing Co. (@twobeersbrewing) on

Taste Town and Country at Three Magnets Brewing:

A photo posted by Three Magnets Brewing Co. (@3magbrewing) on

Happy 2 Year @pacificbrewing! #Tacoma #DicksRepLife #supportlocal #supportlocalbreweries #253 #drinkwabeer

A photo posted by Dick's Brewery Sales Executive (@aaronjwayne) on

VIKINGS!!! #Poulsbo #beerrun #pnw #craftbeer #littlenorway #valholl #Vikings

A photo posted by Valhöll Brewing (@valhollbrewing) on

Yibe, it's one of those "beer and disc golf" kind of mornings. Day 2 of the SF Safari rolls on. #discgolf #beer #BarkleyBoont

A photo posted by Anderson Valley Brewing Co. (@andersonvalleybrewing) on

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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news