Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker: sand snowman, winterface and cats staring at Batman pints


It’s beginning to look a lot like craft beer! But really, this week’s edition of Peaks and Pints Instagram Stalker is, once again, quite festive. Actually, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas with all the snow and snowman sand shots. Be sure to keep posting those photos of you balancing on kegs and be sure to tag @peaksandpints if you’d like a chance to be featured! Cheers!

Getting out of bed is so hard when you're dreaming of this… ⛄️☀️? #Snooze #Beercation . . . . ?: @shine_on_sup_yoga

A photo posted by Ninkasi Brewing (@ninkasibrewing) on

?Name: Imperial Rye Porter ?Brewery: Nøgne ø ?Style: Imperial Porter ?Alc. 9% IBU 30 ?Malts: barley, rye ?Hops: ??? ?Flavour⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Taste⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Foam⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ?Overall 8,5/10 W barwie ciemno brazowe, wpadajace w czerń. Piana bardzo ładna, wysoka, puszysta, drobna i trwała. W zapachu mleczna czekolada i karmel, bardzo przyjemnie, ale raczej delikatnie. W smaku jest polslodkie, lekko kwaskowe, ze średnim wysyceniem. Alkohol niewyczuwalny. Faktura piwa dość gęsta, pewnie od żyta, ale nie jakoś przesadnie. Czuć palonosc, gorzką czekoladę. Chyba jedyna rzecz, która mogłaby sprawić to piwo jeszcze lepszym to zmniejszone wysycenie. Smak tego piwa jest super, ale nieco przeszkadza drapanie w gardło od nagazowania. Oczywiście jest to niuans, bo ogólnie piwo jest bardzo dobre. #beeranyone #beer #cheers #craftbeer#happyhour #beers #beerporn #bier#instabeer #birra #beerme#beerstagram #beergeek #hops#beersnob #drinklocal #artofbeer#beertime #piwo #butelka #browar#bottle #brewery #beerpics #beerart #nøgneø #imperialryeporter

A photo posted by ? Adam Filip (@filip.adam) on

Winterface… coming soooooon! #KeepItOdd #OOBC #oddotter #craftbeer #beerporn #brewer #brewery #drinkwabeer #wabeer #tacoma #tappingsoon

A video posted by Odd Otter Brewing Company (@oddotterbrewing) on

A rolling keg gathers no snow. /// Do not try this at home! /// #hopworks #kegsledding #snowpacolypse #snowmageddon

A video posted by Hopworks Urban Brewery (@hopworksbeer) on

Key Logistics brought us a gift to celebrate our GABF Medal for our Barleywine! Richard the Elf just helped himself to the keg.

A photo posted by Dick's Brewing Company (@dicksbrewing) on

That look you give when its almost taken a decade for your team to win a final #mlsfinals2016 #wewin

A photo posted by Doyle's Public House (@doylespub) on

Holiday cheer and a whole lot of beer! ?: @marisa_stoll

A photo posted by Public Coast Brewing (@publiccoastbrewing) on

Christmas came early! New pup, fresh tree and mad elf beer mail ???Thank you @troegsbeer! #madelf

A photo posted by Julie ? (@craftbeerdeer) on


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