Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

SATURDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before Widowspeak, Jofish and The Wurm …

Widowspeak plays The Valley tonight. Photo credit John Stortz

SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …

The Valley + South Sound Craft Crawl = self-guide tour of Tacoma and Brooklyn

Burs Restaurant + Pacific Brewing & Malting Co. = psychic tyme

Doyle’s Public House + Bikerobrew = good times


The Brooklyn-based duo (via Tacoma and Lakewood) Molly Hamilton and Robert Earl Thomas, better known to most as Widowspeak, make pop music that’s light enough to float but carries enough moodiness to remain anchored in reality. It’s some of the best indie-pop out there. Mildly hallucinogenic and incredibly melodic, Widowspeak have an inviting, involving sound. Catch the band at 8 p.m. at The Valley. Show up early for Brooklyn resident by way of Tacoma Greenfield, aka Paul Daily, and Wheelies’ Patrick Doherty.

PREFUNK: The three brewpubs in in the mid-‘90s seem quaint compared to the number now occupying the South Sound with nearly as many new breweries added in the last two years as existed in all of the South Sound 10 years ago. And that’s not including the beer tours, beer bikes and beer related products. Check out the South Sound brewery and cidery scene on the South Sound Craft Crawl self-guided tour. Grab a map at one of the 15 participating venues and get craft crawling. Jump on for a list of participating breweries and get craft crawling. A growler award is yours if you visit them all within a year.


Wait … you have a vision. You plug into the area’s collective unconscious. In a flash, you remember that you — and those of your ilk — don’t need the cathode ray tube and the remote control to flip through images of far-flung places. You’re telekinetic. Telepathic. Otherworldly. And — irony of all ironies — you almost blanked on tonight’s Psychic Medium Showcase at 6 p.m. in Burs Restaurant. But then, in the nick of time, your sixth sense kicked in. It always does.

PREFUNK: On a cool Indian-summer night out on the rolling plains of downtown Tacoma about 1,681 miles west of the Mississippi, three gents will sit in a circle of wooden chairs playing fiddles, banjo and guitar around a crackling fake fire of pine twigs and dead oak inside Pacific Brewing & Malting Co. around 7 p.m. The soft, fragrant steam of boiling mash will waif out of the brewing room at the fore of the large tract of cement. As the spindly strains of Stingy Brim Olde-Time Blues Project’s tunes danced like a daddy longlegs into the air from string and voice, folks will sip Pacific brews and marvel at the wondrous gifts that some great god had decided to heap down upon them.


Make no mistake: brothers Joseph and Jeramey Abarca are a good time. Since first working out their eclectic blend of ska, reggae, hip-hop, metal and funk in a basement four years ago with their Approach band, they’ve earned a reputation for being, well, fun. Just ask the large roving group of family and friends that follow the two around. What in on the fun? The brothers have a new project, Jofish and The Wurm, and they’ll be performing at 10 p.m. in Doyle’s Public House. They are joined by local guitar sensation Cody Ray who will set the mood with some fiery, soulful original music.

PREFUNK: Riding a bicycle is fun. Drinking craft beer is totally awesome. What happens when you mix the two together? Totally awesome fun! And judging from past BikeroBrew tours, today should be equally totally awesome fun. BikeroBrew offers a three-hour, 5-mile loop, guided bicycle tour of four Tacoma breweries beginning at 1 p.m. launching from Old Soldier Distillery on Puyallup Avenue. For more information and FAQs, visit



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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news