Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

TACOMA PREFUNK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 2017: Hoppy Hour Adventure and the Hunchback


TACOMA PREFUNK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 2017: Hoppy Hour Adventure and the Hunchback

PREFUNK: Climbers are notoriously friendly. Whether in a climbing gym or below a 5.11 route, climbers are willing to belay you and convey with you. Justin Johnson proves it day in and day out. As an accomplished climber — as well as hiker and craft beer drinker — Johnson hands out climbing advice and hugs almost daily as a guide and specialist at REI in Tacoma. Johnson will host a free REI “Hoppy Hour Adventure” to describe the different types of climbing — from mountaineering to bouldering — will you enjoy craft beer, cider and sandwiches at Peaks and Pints at 6:30 p.m. Join Johnson to learn, leave knowing the types of climbing and lingo, and what gear is necessary to get started. Peaks and Pints, Tacoma

11 A.M. BEER CAMP ACROSS THE WORLD: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. released Beer Camp Across the World, a variety 12-pack featuring collaboration beers with six American breweries and six international breweries. The Red Hot will have all 12 on tap today. The Red Hot, Tacoma

1:45 AND 6:45 P.M. THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: Orson Welles was originally supposed to take on the Quasimodo role in this phantasmagorically huge RKO production, but reneged on the deal when the studio wouldn’t let him direct it. Sigh. Instead, William Dieterle (The Devil and Daniel Webster) took the reins, Charles Laughton threw on the padded back and the whole thing got the Classics Illustrated treatment. Not bad stuff, actually — Laughton is half-restrained, Sir Cedric Hardwicke hijacks the pic and the script doesn’t skimp on the politics and racism. The Grand Cinema, Tacoma


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