Saturday, January 22nd, 2022

Tacoma Sandwich Special of the Day: Britpop Beer Cheese

Peaks & Pints suggests pairing our spicy pastrami sandwich special with Double Mountain’s Sally Can Wait Export Dark Lager and accompanying Spotify playlist.

Tacoma Sandwich Special of the Day: Britpop Beer Cheese

SATURDAY, JAN. 22 2022: The Peaks & Pints Kitchen grabbed a pile of pastrami and added beer cheese, a pepper mix, including spicy cherry peppers, plus Havarti and red onion on sourdough for our Tacoma Sandwich Special of the Day: Britpop Beer Cheese.

PAIRING: Double Mountain Brewery Sally Can Wait Dark Export Lager

The Peaks Kitchen couldn’t wait to create a sandwich special around Double Mountain’s Sally Can Wait Dark Export Lager, which is an ode to 1990s Britpop — specifically Oasis’ “Don’t Look Back In Anger.” The crisp, malt and yeast driven dark lager will dampen the sandwich’s spirit, much like Noel Gallagher leaving his brother, Liam, and their Oasis band, for cosmic pop music. Bonus: Double Mountain brewers created the accompany Spotify playlist “Sally Can Wait” to pair Britpop with their lager.

THING TO DO: Because of COVID, Peaks & Pints isn’t fully staffed and has postponed table service. Please you’re the QR codes at the tables and order from the bartenders behind the bar. Call ahead at (253) 328-5621 for pick-ups. Cheers!

LINK: Peaks & Pints full menu

LINK: Sally Can Wait and 850+ other beers and ciders are in the Peaks and Pints cooler

Safety Is Priority Number One

Face masks must be worn when not eating and drinking — especially ordering from the bar or on trips to the restrooms.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of our craft beer and cider bar, bottle shop and restaurant is being a gathering place for the community. It’s a role we do not take for granted, and there are many responsibilities that come along with it — the health and safety of our guests and staff being at the top of the list. As a neighborhood restaurant, we take pride in our commitment to providing a clean, safe, and vibrant environment. Please rest assured that Peaks & Pints has built upon these best practices to follow the COVID-19 protocol provided by the CDC.

We’re open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, but we hope to return to “before times” hours when we’re able to seat at full capacity.

Hope to see you soon.

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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news