Thursday, September 1st, 2016

THURSDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before indie-blues, Tacoma Comedy Club

Learn about ForeverGreen Trails while drinking craft beer at The Harmon Restaurant tonight.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …

The Swiss + Harmon Brewery & Restaurant = Green

Tacoma Comedy Club + Silver City Brewery = Wily Temptress


Holy Smokes and the Godforsaken Rollers are a Portland-based, indie-blues duo that’ve gone from not a band to recording an EP to blowing out shows in a month. They perform country and delta blues as well as playing old time porch music with a modern spin. Catch them at 9 p.m. in The Swiss Restaurant and Pub.

PREFUNK: Green Drinks Tacoma, known locally as Tacoma’s Green Happy Hour, is a monthly forum for business owners, students, academics, entrepreneurs, and members of the public to meet, exchange ideas, and grow their level of sustainability. It’s a get-together for Green people — No, not individuals from other planets, but rather those interested in the environment, conservation and sustainability. Green Drinks takes place the first Thursday of every month, which means today at 6 p.m. in The Harmon Restaurant in downtown Tacoma. Plan to drink Harmon Brewing craft beers and get green with ForeverGreen Trails, a nonprofit organization working to promote development and stewardship of a countywide network for bicycling and walking including trails, sidewalks, and bike lanes. They are also an active participant in the Puyallup Watershed Initiative’s Active Transportation Community of Interest.


The Tacoma Comedy Club presents The Drunk Show where five comics perform a set each sober, and then while the other comics are performing they pound booze and return to the stage wasted to do another set. Jubal Flagg from Movin 95.5 FM tries to keep the thing flowing, beginning at 8 p.m.

PREFUNK: Look! It’s another Silver City Brewery event. The hardest working brewery in Washington state, or at least hardest working brewery marketing team is at it again. From noon to 9:30 p.m. the Bremerton brewery will release a limited supply of Wily Temptress: Oak Barrel Aged Blackberry Sour Ale in bottles. According to pre-release hype, it a “tantalizing toast to fresh, local fruit, the Wily Temptress teases the tongue with her tart blackberry tenacity fortified by two years of time spent in oak with a twist of lactobacillus.” Nice.




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