Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

TUESDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before Maya Angelou and comedy …


TUESDAY, JUNE 7 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …

Healthy Bay Hef + Maya Angelou = remarkable
American Brewing + Comedy Showcase = Flying Monkey Dogfight


One of the foremost 20th-century shapers of an African-American literature and identity, the subject of Maya Angelou and Still I Rise wore many hats in a long, complicated life that has been given valedictory treatment in Bob Hercules and Rita Coburn Whack’s documentary. Made over a four-year period (which enabled them to interview Angelou several times before her 2014 death at age 86), this solid if conventional PBS-style overview of her work and times will screen at 1:30, 4 and 6:30 p.m. at The Grand Cinema.
PREFUNK: You could throw a very heavy hop from 7 Seas Brewing and hit its Gig Harbor neighbor Tides Tavern. Why throw the hop when you can brew a Hefeweizen with it, which is exactly what 7 Seas did for its neighbor. Healthy Bay Hef is a traditional Bavarian style Hefeweizen with dry bready malt flavors, a fruity aroma, notes of banana and a touch of clove. The name is a nod to Citizens for a Healthy Bay, an environmental organization whose mission is to represent and engage citizens in the cleanup, restoration and protection of Commencement Bay, the surrounding waters and our natural habitat. For every Healthy Bay Hef sold 50 cents will go toward Citizens for a Healthy Bay’s mission.


The 1st Tuesday Comedy Showcase at The Valley is back with the funniest comics in town but also musical numbers and professional dance routines. Hold on. … apparently the musical numbers and professional dance routines might be happening at Dockside Donuts next to The Valley. The funniest comics part is true, featuring headliner Narin Vann, Jesse Weyrick, Daniel Martinez and Taylor Bonzer. Laughs begin at 8 p.m.
PREFUNK: Real estate expert Neil Fallon founded American Brewing Company in 2011 locating his eventually award-winning craft brewery in Edmonds, Washington. The awards flowed thanks to head brewer Skip Madsen, a brewer of beer since 1992, with deep roots in the Northwest’s micro brewing community. American’s current offerings include Breakaway IPA (named “Best in the West” by Beer West Magazine), American Blonde (featured in GQ Magazine), Flying Monkey Dogfight Pale Ale, and Caboose Oatmeal Stout. The Edmonds brewery also owns bùcha™ live kombucha, which features eight flavors of its sparkling kombucha tea. It was the refocus of taking the kombucha nationally that promoted Fallon to sell American Brewing to Pacific Brewing & Malting Co. in October 2015. Since then, the two companies have been working hard on new brews and a new face for American. Discover American’s rebranding at 6 p.m. when The Copper Door hosts the brewery and its Independence Pilsner, Patriotic Pale, Revolutionary IPA and Oatmeal Stout as part of its Tasting Tuesday beer flight.

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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news