Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

TUESDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before civil rights, art and books

Drop in on the Open Book Club at Obsidian tonight.

TUESDAY, FEB. 7 2017: South Sound events + craft beer …

The Grand Cinema + Peaks and Pints = Transfiguration

University of Puget Sound + The Copper Door = Farm To Table To Bottle shop

Obsidian + Three Magnets Brewing Co. = Book Worms and Hop Heads


In 1960, Rev. James Lawson helped to launch the Nashville sit-in campaign, which successfully desegregated the Woolworth’s lunch counter, and inspired a new generation of student civil rights activities throughout the South. After Nashville he pastored the largest African American Methodist Church in Memphis and continued to work closely with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Birmingham and on other civil rights campaigns, teaching workshops in nonviolence. At each stage of his life, Lawson has supported campaigns for labor rights as a dimension of human rights. The documentary Love & Solidarity explores nonviolence and organization through the life and teachings of Rev. James Lawson at 6:45 p.m. in The Grand Cinema. Expect a 15-minute film introduction and a 30-minute post film discussion.

PREFUNK: Speaking of exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change, Peaks and Pints has tapped Holy Mountain’s Transfiguration (6.1% ABV). Someone should film a documentary on this clean, delicious saison brewed with pilsner malt and Vienna, then hopped in the kettle with Motueka and Waimea. Transfiguration was fermented in stainless and then dry-hopped with Waimea.


Chandler O’Leary’s Farm to Table exhibit features a series of illustrations, lettering, patterning, and paper installations that highlight organic farming and the sustainable food movement in the South Sound region. From original sketchbooks to cut-paper pieces, the body of work illustrates the agricultural importance of our region and highlights the struggle to preserve farmland amid rapid suburban and industrial development. Check it out from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Collins Memorial Library on the University of Puget Sound campus.

PREFUNK: The Copper Door offer a prefunk for its annual Bitter Valentine Massive IPA Fest in a week with a flight of four massive IPAs at 6 p.m. Warm up with Stone Brewing Enjoy By 2.14.17 Chocolate & Coffee IPA, Three Magnets Brewing Co. Rain Rain Rain Triple IPA, Ballast Point Manta Ray IIPA and Bale Breaker Saint Humulus IIPA.


Traditionally, the phrase “book club” conjures visions of people sitting in someone’s living room, holding paper plates and glasses of wine while discussing a Very Important Novel in between lengthy digressions into just about anything and everything. But this is changing fast. The Open Book Club at Obsidian in downtown Olympia is a better option for many reasons. First, it’s a drop-in activity in which people don’t necessarily know one another beforehand. Second, no one has to clean his or her living space or figure out how many bottles of Pinot Noir to buy. Lastly, while novels or classic literature certainly aren’t off-limits, this group focuses on every genre, format and subject matter. Open Book Club opens at 8 p.m.

PREFUNK: Hop Head. Sounds like a euphemism for a speed addict, no? Or a professional pogo stick stunt artist. Maybe a bunny-loving furry. Well, it’s none of those things. Hops go in beer, and hop heads like ’em bitter. Meet some hardcore Hop Heads as they drink highly alcoholic, wonderfully hoppy triple IPAs At Three Magnets Brewing Co. at 5 p.m. The Washington Hop Mob Triple IPA Roadshow continues its journey stopping by the downtown Olympia brewery with triple IPAs from Aslan, Bale Breaker, Cloudburst, Georgetown, Matchless/Triceratops, Pike, Postdoc, Reuben’s, Seapine, Standard, Stoup, Wander, Wet Coast and, of course, Three Magnets.


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