Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

TUESDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before Weiner, Peeled Bananas


TUESDAY, AUG. 9 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …

The Grand Cinema + Silver City Brewery = Vertical

B Sharp Coffee House + The Copper Door = hint of Bananas


Political documentary meets cringe comedy in Weiner, which seeks to answer the question asked every time another public servant admits to a sex scandal: What was he thinking? The film documents the extended fall from grace of former Congressman Anthony Weiner. It depicts an electoral process that poisons the soul of all who participate and one man who, even after being poisoned, asks for seconds. See the Weiner at 1:50 and 6:50 p.m. at The Grand Cinema. Christopher Wood will lead a Weiner discussion after the late screening.

PREFUNK: An aged beer can be quite distinct from the same beer from a recent batch, and one of the most interesting aspects of aging beer is a “vertical tasting” where the same beer from several different years are tasted side-by-side to highlight the developments.  Silver City Brewery’s The Giant Made of Shadows is a malty Belgian Dark Strong rich in black cherry, caramel, and coffee character.  Spicy Belgian yeast marries with biscuity malt and warming alcohol in this distinctive, mysterious nightcap. It’s delicious. It’s a beer meant to be aged. Pleading to be aged. From its historical beginnings this style was built on a platform of malt and alcohol specifically prepared to “take some age.” Beginning at noon, Silver City will offer verticals of Giant Made of Shadows vintages on draft for one day only; including bourbon barrel aged versions and The Sour Giant.


Those eager to try standup have no shortage of open-mic options: Northern Pacific Coffee in Parkland, The Swiss in downtown Tacoma, Antique Sandwich Co. in Ruston. But if you’re serious about doing comedy, tonight’s open-mic at B Sharp Coffee House is your venue. For starters, it’s hosted by the Peeled Bananas comedy troupe. There’s much to learn from the wide variety of amateurs who hop onstage and bomb; there’s even more to learn from the seasoned veterans such as the Peeled folks. Hosted by Kamryn Minch, the comedy flows beginning at 7:30 p.m.

PREFUNK: In a region where hoppy beers reign, a night exclusive to Belgian beer is a welcome change. At 6 p.m. The Copper Door’s iconic copper door opens to reveal a four Belgian beer flight of Wander Brewing Wanderale Belgian-style Blond Ale, Midnight Sun Brewing Fallen Angel Belgian-Style Golden Ale, North Coast Brewing Brother Thelonious Belgian-style Abbey Ale and Unibrou Blanche de Chambly White Ale. Not long after you sit down, those IPAs you’re used to begin to seem like childish younger cousins, eager to be as sophisticated as their worldly European kin.



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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news