Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

WEDNESDAY PREFUNK: Craft beer before Best Bagger Battle and Ghost Hunters



WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …

McGavick Conference Center + Odd Otter Brewing Co. = Odd shapes and Oddtoberfest

Harlequin Productions + Northwest Beerwerks = Lights Out


Paper or plastic? Grocery stores are ticking time bombs of OCD-triggering mania and wellsprings of pet peeves that make normally kindhearted people want to stab their fellow shoppers through the eyehole with a carrot. Most of the complaints are aimed at the baggers. At 3 p.m., baggers who know what he or she is doing will converge on the McGavick Conference Center in Lakewood for the Best Bagger Battle. The Washington Food Industry Association Educational Foundation Best Bagger Championship features baggers across the state come battling head-to-head to see who can bag the fastest. The state champion will move on to Nationals in Las Vegas for a chance to score $2,000.

PREFUNK: European hops offer more unique aromas and flavors than American hops. Noble hops (European hops usually low in bitterness but high in aroma) include Hallertau, Tettnanger, Spalt and Saaz, named for the specific region or city in which they were first found and cultivated. Hallertau Mittelfrüh is perhaps the most famous of these with Hallertauer Tradition hops resembling Hallertau Mittelfruh in many ways, but with a slightly higher alpha acid rating at 4.6%-7.0% making it a good aroma variety. Tradition has relatively low co-humulone and ample humulene oil, which contributes to an earthy and grassy aroma, that is dominated by sweet tones of nectarous fruits including raisins. Odd Otter Brewing Co. has released its version of a Marzen style Oktoberfest, Oddtoberfest, incorporating Hallertauer hops for a mild bitterness that doesn’t overwhelm the malt forward beer. Odd Otter opens at 2 p.m.


Harlequin Productions presents Ghost Hunters, an improv comedy show performed by its resident improv troupe, Something Wicked, at 7 p.m. The show consists of live improvised comedy based on real-life paranormal mysteries provided by the audience. Maybe Something Wicked can investigate our paranormal power of bestowing on her understanding of source material of all our out-of-context Simpsons, Naked Gun, Billy Madison and Groundhog Day quotes.

PREFUNK: Michelle and Erik Svendsen, wife and husband and brewers, opened North Jetty Brewing at the Long Beach Peninsula two and a half years ago. Gone are the 1.5 barrel system and limited distribution. Today, the Svendsens brew on a 10-barrel system, with beer distribution in 11 counties in Washington and Oregon. They bottle. They win awards. And, they are the focus at Northwest Beerwerks tonight. From 6-11 p.m. at the Olympia bottle shop and taproom, drink North Jetty brews such as Lights Out IIPA and maybe win some sweet swag.


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  local events paired with craft beer and beer news