WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 2016: South Sound events + craft beer …
Comedy open mic + stupid sexy Flanders = okily dokily night
The Kingston Trio + Cascade Lakes Brewing = old school
“Sing Street” + Iron Horse Brewery = Irish shenanigans
For the uninitiated: Tacoma Comedy Club’s Wednesday Open Mic offer a place for new comics to gain experience and for experienced comics to try new material that may or may not make it into their final sets. The best part is, it’s free. There is no cost to attend open-mic night, and it is happy hour all night. So if you want to get a laugh, feel better about your life, and have a couple drinks, then Tacoma Comedy Club is the place to be at 8 p.m.
PREFUNK: Remember when pre-diddly-ictable Ned Flanders wanted to live on the wild side, so he headed to Las Vegas to put himself through The Homer Simpson Program. Homer and Ned got sloshed, acted out “The Hangover” 10 years before it came out, and accidentally got married to some cocktail waitresses. Stupid sexy Flanders. At 5 p.m., The Red Hot celebrates stupid sexy Flanders with a bunch of okily dokily sharp, fruity, sour, Belgian style Flanders beers, including Two Beers’ All the Wild Horses, DeProef/Hair of the Dog’s Flanders Fred, Destihl’s Flanders Red, Lost Abbey’s Cuvee de Tomme, pFriem’s Flanders Red, Duchesse du Bourgogne, Engine House No. 9’s Flanders Red and Rodenbach Vintage. That’s what The Red Hot can ding-dong-diddily-do for you!
For a long time, “folk music” meant music linked in some way to a rural or working-class past. For The Kingston Trio, the whole point of singing something called “folk” was to derive energy and authenticity from the ritual evocation of archaic, pre-modern, marginalized, and/or poor communities. Using acoustic guitars, banjos, and simple yet memorable melodies, they reawakened America to its rich folk music heritage. The Kingston Trio’s trademark three-part harmony and clean, crisp sound keeps them touring 30 weeks out of the year and earned them a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement in 2011. The Kingston Trio today consists of Bill Zorn, George Grove and Rick Dougherty. They are continuing the Kingston Trio legacy with a 7:30 p.m. show at The Washington Center.
PREFUNK: Three enthusiastic brothers looking for an exciting business in beautiful, sunny Central Oregon founded Cascade Lakes Brewing Company in 1994. They spent many long nights building brewing equipment by hand and coming up with tasty recipes. More than 20 years later, the long nights and quest for great beer has continued, but on a much larger scale. The Redmond, Oregon brewery will drop by Northwest Beerwerks at 6 p.m. with its Blonde Bombshell, Mosaic IPA, Big Beluga Belgian White IPA, 20″ Brown Ale and Salted Caramel Porter. Boka Island Fusion will offer dinner options.
Director John Carney spins a semi-autobiographical musical about a kid in 1980s Dublin who discovers that the best way to win the heart of his crush is to start a rock and roll band. Wait a minute – picking up the guitar to get chicks? It’s so crazy it just might work! The Sing Street soundtrack mixes original tunes with numbers by the likes of Motörhead and the Jam. Catch the film at 6:25 and 9 p.m. in The Grand Cinema.
PREFUNK: The name “Quilter’s Irish Death” does not have anything to do with murderous Irish quilters. The name refers to founder of Iron Horse Brewery Jim Quilter. After selling his interest in the Ellensburg brewery, Quilter went on to brew at the Ram before his passing in 2009. It is in recognition of his development of the recipe for Irish Death, and his career as a renowned brewer, that the beer bears his name. Drink Quilter’s Irish Death and other Iron Horse brews at Rainier Growlers beginning at 6 p.m.